Lena M Fredriksson

Lena M Fredriksson is a Swedish freelance journalist and photographer, with more than 20 years of experience in the field. She has visited the West Bank several times and taken a particular interest in this area and its history – especially to inform about what ordinary everyday life looks like for the Palestinians there, including coping with the obstacles that the occupation brings. Many of her articles and photos from the West Bank have been published in Swedish magazines and newspapers, but she still found it difficult, as a freelancer, to make editors interested in publishing her material. That is one of the reasons that the book was made – to publish more of the interviews, photos, and researched facts that she had. Besides working with stories from the West Bank she has covered many other topics as a writing journalist and photographer as well as working with magazine layout. This is her first book. In it, she has combined all her skills and done all the research and interviews, almost all the photos, all the editing, and the layout